Message from CEO
It has been 48 years since our company was founded on May 8, 1973. We enhanced ourselves as a subsidiary of Fuji Trading Group since 1991.
We have our own engineers at each branch, in Yokohama, Kobe, Fukuyama, and Shanghai, China. As a technical specialist, we carry out inspection and maintenance work for ship safety equipment. We are also enhancing our service network in major ports globally in collaboration with our partner companies.
Life saving and safety equipments are the most important pieces on the Vessel. It will be the last option for the crew in case of emergency.
Based on about half century of on-site experience and our motto, "Thoroughness in each service". We
carry out all the services with strict commitment to "Legal Compliance" and "The Safety Measures."
as our corporate social responsibility.
We are contributing to the safe navigation of vessels by
adhering to the basics, focusing for high quality pursuit and service improvement.
PresidentRyuichi Otsu